Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Why Essay on Why College Should Be Free

Why Essay on Why College Should Be Free?Writing an essay on why college should be free is an easy task. The problem lies in the fact that many of those who are good writers do not follow the rules and end up creating a quality essay on why college should be free. If you are writing an essay on college students, be aware that these rules can be easily ignored if the person being interviewed makes a statement such as 'for the same price as other schools you could have the same education'.The truth is that there is no single reason why one should go to college because if you compare the cost of attending college with the quality of education one can get out of it, then it can be determined that paying for it will be a bad idea. We all know how much of our money goes to the education. However, education is not the only thing that college gives; it also teaches people how to be successful in every field. When compared to the amount of money spent by businesses, who pays for their employee s to get a skill like salesmanship, then it really cannot be said that paying for a college education is a smart move.While education can be considered as a form of employment, many students think that this educational benefits are enough. However, as stated before, a college education does not teach people how to be successful in every field; it also gives them practical knowledge. That is why the educational benefits should not be underestimated, as they are of great importance to the person.While one can argue that the benefits of high school education are more important than the benefit of a college education, this should not be done as people who do not have high school education will still get a higher salary than those who have attained the same degree as their classmates. College education is the best choice for the busy professional, as it will make a person more productive.If one is truly interested in a good essay on why college should be free, then he or she should consi der a topic such as the amount of money invested in colleges in comparison to the amount of money invested in businesses. It is known that colleges always invest money that they have not gotten back, while companies always spend money that they have made, therefore, the conclusion of the essay on why college should be free is that it should be abolished. This will cause an increase in the number of businesses that cannot survive.Another reason why it is not a good idea to get a free college education is that colleges do not focus enough on their student's academic performance. Therefore, as a result, the student ends up becoming a statistic, a number that is not worth anything, because it does not matter if the student is good or bad. A better alternative to such an essay on why college should be free is to design one where people agree to disagree.The reason why the essay on why college should be free is not applicable to the college student is that the two are quite different, as the former is composed of academics, and the latter is concerned with study and learning in general. To conclude, the right choice of essay on why college should be free is the one where the writer is an academe, as the student will be just as confused when he or she finishes reading it. The author should be considered as a renowned writer, but he or she is not a professor.The best way to start an essay on why college should be free is to look for experts who can help write the essays. The essay on why college should be free will be good if it will be answered by individuals who have already accomplished it.

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